Execute a scroll interaction in a specific browser window
Path parameters
The session id for the window.
The Airtop window id of the browser window.
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Request configuration
A credit threshold that, once exceeded, will cause the operation to be cancelled. Note that this is not a hard limit, but a threshold that is checked periodically during the course of fulfilling the request. A default threshold is used if not specified, but you can use this option to increase or decrease as needed. Set to 0 to disable this feature entirely (not recommended).
The amount of pixels/percentage to scroll horizontally or vertically relative to the current scroll position. Positive values scroll right and down, negative values scroll left and up. If a scrollToElement value is provided, scrollBy/scrollToEdge values will be ignored.
Scroll to the top or bottom of the page, or to the left or right of the page. ScrollToEdge values will take precedence over the scrollBy values, and scrollToEdge will be executed first. If a scrollToElement value is provided, scrollToEdge/scrollBy values will be ignored.
A natural language description of where to scroll (e.g. ‘the search box’, ‘username field’). The interaction will be aborted if the target element cannot be found. If provided, scrollToEdge/scrollBy values will be ignored.
A natural language description of the scrollable area on the web page. This identifies the container or region that should be scrolled. If missing, the entire page will be scrolled. You can also describe a visible reference point inside the container. Note: This is different from scrollToElement, which specifies the target element to scroll to. The target may be located inside the scrollable area defined by scrollWithin.
A time threshold in seconds that, once exceeded, will cause the operation to be cancelled. Note that this is not a hard limit, but a threshold that is checked periodically during the course of fulfilling the request. A default threshold is used if not specified, but you can use this option to increase or decrease as needed. Set to 0 to disable this feature entirely (not recommended).
This setting does not extend the maximum session duration provided at the time of session creation.