Scroll interaction

Added support for scrolling in browser windows. Scroll

You can now programmatically scroll in three ways:

Scroll by relative amount

Use scrollBy to scroll a specific amount horizontally or vertically from the current position:

  • xAxis: Scroll horizontally by pixels or percentage (e.g. “100px” or “50%”). Positive values scroll right, negative values scroll left.
  • yAxis: Scroll vertically by pixels or percentage (e.g. “100px” or “50%”). Positive values scroll down, negative values scroll up.

Scroll to page edges

Use scrollToEdge to quickly navigate to the edges of the page:

  • xAxis: Scroll to “left” or “right” edge
  • yAxis: Scroll to “top” or “bottom” edge

Scroll to specific elements

Use scrollToElement to scroll to elements matching a natural language description (e.g. “the search box”, “the submit button at the bottom of the form”).

When scrollToElement is provided, it takes precedence over scrollBy and scrollToEdge configurations, and scrollBy/scrollToEdge will be ignored

For more details, see the API reference.

Improved Residential Proxies

Sticky sessions

Added support for sticky sessions so you can maintain the same proxy IP address for up to 30 minutes at a time.

Stickiness is on a best-effort basis; we cannot guarantee the availability of specific IP addresses.

Country support

You can now specify a country for your proxy.

Better defaults

If you are already using Airtop’s integrated proxy, all future requests will automatically get a proxy in the 🇺🇸 USA with sticky sessions.

If you wish for the previous behavior, you can use our new configuration options: change the country to global and sticky to false.

For more information, see our proxy documentation.

Visual Analysis mode Result Selection Strategy

Visual analysis now supports a resultSelectionStrategy property that controls how elements are selected when multiple potential matches are found. The available strategies are:

  • auto (default) - Let the Airtop decide the best strategy.
  • first - Select the first matching element found
  • bestMatch - Select the element with the highest confidence score. Additional LLM credits will be used on this strategy.

This gives you more control over which element is selected when there are multiple potential matches on the page.

Check out the visual analysis config for more details.


You can now take screenshots of the browser window! Check out the screenshot reference for more details.

Visual Analysis mode Scan

Visual analysis now supports a new scan scope mode that progressively scrolls through the page while taking screenshots. This mode is useful for sites that have compatibility or accuracy issues with the default page mode. You can configure the maximum number of scrolls and delay between scrolls using the maxScanScrolls and scanScrollDelay parameters in the visualAnalysis config. Check out the visual analysis config for more details.

Enhanced Prompts

The Playground in our Studio allows you to automatically enhance your prompts and generate a JSON schema for the output. Detailed prompts and schemas help the model produce much more accurate results and this feature makes it much easier to create them.

Right Click + Double Click

Click interactions now support right click and double click. Simply add the rightClick or doubleClick parameter to the request. More details in the interactions guide.

Name based profiles

We’ve updated our profile management to now use names instead of IDs. We deprecated the profileID based API methods and replaced them with profileName based methods. This will make it easier to manage profiles by creating and saving profiles under the same name.

Code Execution in the Studio

Added support for running Typescript code in the Studio, as well as sharing the code snippets with other users. Now you can get started quickly and share a fully functional script without having to open an IDE. Check it out in the Studio.

Make Integration

We launched a new integration with Make. You can now use Airtop with Make to access content from the web and interact with sites. For more information, see the guide documentation for Make.

Batch Operations

Added support for batch operations to the Node and Python SDKs. You can now use the batch operate helpers to repeatedly run an operation on a list of URLs. Concurrency and cleanup will be handled automatically. For more information, see the guide documentation for batch operations.

Integrated Proxy Service

Added support for using Airtop’s integrated proxy service. Now you can use a proxy to access sites that are restricted from being accessed directly through a residential IP address. For more information see the guide documentation for using Airtop’s integrated proxy service.

Browser Natural Language Interactions

Added support for natural language interactions with the browser. You can now use natural language to interact with the browser, e.g. to click buttons, fill out forms, hover over elements, etc. For more information see the guide documentation for page interactions.