Summarize a webpage


This recipe demonstrates how to use Airtop to automate the summarization of a webpage. By leveraging Airtop’s cloud browser capabilities, we can extract a concise summary from any webpage using a simple API.

The instructions below will walk through creating a script that connects to Airtop, opens a webpage in a cloud browser session, and retrieves a summary of its content. The full source code is available on GitHub for your reference.


To get started, ensure you have:

  • Node.js installed on your system.
  • An Airtop API key. You can get one for free.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository

    Start by cloning the source code from GitHub:

    $git clone
    >cd recipe-summarize
  2. Install dependencies

    Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies, including the Airtop SDK:

    $npm install
  3. Configure your environment

    You will need to provide your Airtop API key in a .env file. First, copy the provided example .env file:

    $cp .env.example .env

    Now edit the .env file to add your Airtop API key:


Script Walkthrough

The script in index.ts performs the following steps:

  1. Initialize the Airtop Client

    First, we initialize the AirtopClient using your provided API key. This client will be used to create browser sessions and interact with the page content.

    1const client = new AirtopClient({
    2 apiKey: AIRTOP_API_KEY,
  2. Create a Browser Session

    Creating a browser session will allow us to connect to and control a cloud-based browser.

    1const createSessionResponse = await client.sessions.create({
    2 configuration: {
    3 timeoutMinutes: 5, // Customize the session timeout as needed
    4 },
  3. Connect to the Browser

    The script opens a new page and navigates to the target URL. In this example we use a a Wikipedia page, however you can replace this with the URL of your choice.

    1const windowResponse = await
    2 sessionId,
    3 { url: TARGET_URL }, // TARGET_URL is defined at the top of the script
  4. Summarize the Content

    Leverage Airtop to summarize the webpage’s content using natural language. We utilize the pageQuery API to specify how the summary should be structured.

    Here we instruct Airtop to summarize the content of the page in 1 paragraph, however you can customize this prompt to suit your needs (i.e. asking it to provide bullet points).

    1const windowInfo = await,;
    2const contentSummary = await,, {
    3 prompt: 'Summarize the content of the page in 1 paragraph',
    6// Print the summary to the console or otherwise use it as desired
  5. Clean Up

    Finally, the script closes the window and terminates the session.

    2await client.sessions.terminate(;

Running the Script

To run the script, execute the following command in your terminal:

$npm run start


Airtop makes extracting key information from web pages as simple as writing a few lines of code. By combining the power of cloud browser automation with AI summarization, you can efficiently gather and understand content from any website on the internet.

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